December 07, 2010

Headgear of the Institutum Christi Regis Summi Sacerdotis (ICRSP)

(as well: Institut du Christ Roi Souverain Pretre, Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest, Istituto di Cristo Re Sommo Sacerdote, Institut Christus König und Hoherpriester)

The black biretta with blue pompon is worn by the priests of ICRSP.
The blue zucchetto (soli deo, pileolus) and the blue biretta with blue pompon by the Mgr le Prieur général.

The blue color is a hommage to the Blessed Vergin Maria.

Cappello Romano (Saturno)
Summer hat made of  straw with blue ribbon

Zucchetto (soli deo, pileolus) with blue stiching
worn by some priests of ICRSP

Bonete, The Spanish biretta", with blue piping
worn by some priests of ICRSP in Spain
More details here.

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