December 26, 2010

The Spanish Bonete - Bonete Español de 4 Picos con Borla

Instead of the biretta, the Spanish clergy wear a bonete

Overview of the several models of the Spanish bonete

The back bonete is worn by the priests

In Spain you often can see Teresa of Ávila wearing a black bonete:
The reason therfore is, that she was named in 1970 a Doctor of the Church by Pope Paul VI.

Messe solennelle célébrée par M. le chanoine Raoul Olazabal le 9 novembre 2008
L’Institut du Christ Roi Souverain Prêtre

Black bonete with blue pompon and blue cord over the edges, worn in Spain by the priests of  IRSP - Institutum Christi Regis Summi Sacerdotis

Black bonete with red-purple pompon is worn by monsignori and bishops

Canons of the chapter of Valencia
Black bonete with green pompon

Black bonete with green pompon is worn by the canons of the chapter of a cathedral in Santiago de Compostella.

Black bonete with red popon is worn by by dignitaries of a chapter of a cathedral

© picture: Ceremonia y Rúbrica de la Iglesia Española
Canónigos de Pamplona - Canons of Pamplona Cathedral
Black bonte with red pompon

© picture: Ceremonia y Rúbrica de la Iglesia Española
Bonete with blu-purple tuft
Calatayud canon

Canan of Jerez

Bonete with "double height", red pompon and red
application cord

Bonete double height in black with application cord and black pompon

Red-purple bonete is worn by bishops - I never saw one
wearing this color

Red bonete with red pompon
Made for a Cardinal?

© picture: Ceremonia y Rúbrica de la Iglesia Española
The  photo shows a procession of the College of Catalayud in the 19th century. The tiny figures at the very front of the procession are monks wearing red bonetes. The candle-bearers (probably deacons?) are wearing red dalmatics and red bonetes, while all the rest are wearing black bonetes, even the Prior at the rear of the procession. No tufts to be seen, unfortunately.

Bonete made for a Praemonstratensian (Norbertine) monk

Bonete made of St. Ninian's tartan
To get detailed information on the St. Ninian's tartan, exclusivly made for Pope Benedict XVI., please visit Tartan Pope Benedict VXI.

Bonete with golden pompon and golden piping
made for a Teresa of Ávila statue

Pattern of the Spanish bonete


  1. There was never a purple bonete for bishops, since they adopted the Roman biretta when Leo XIII gave to all bishops the privilege of purple biretta. Until then they used black bonete with green or purple pom.

    Cardinals never used the bonete but the red biretta received from Rome.

    The piping on the bonete is an invention of the ICKSP.

    St. Theresa is pictured with the ecclesiastical academic Spanish birrete since 1922 because she was made doctor honoris causa of Salamanca University.

  2. Anonymus: Thank you for your valuable contribuition. They sold the purple and red bonete to me. But I never saw a prelate wearing these two colors.

  3. How can I buy a bonete?

  4. @ Anonymous:
    Casa Yustas, s.a.
    Plaza Mayor, 30
    E-28012 MADRID
    Tel (34) 91 366 50 84
    Fax (34) 91 366 58 34

    They make the bonete and are able to ship worldwide as far as I know.

  5. Thank you Mr. Philippi.
