January 03, 2011

Biretta before Mass

How to keep a biretta before mass in a correct way.

A very interesting and as well actual treatise how to wear the biretta in a proper way was written by
Raffelt, Martin:
Das Birett – sein aktueller Gebrauch [The Biretta - its current use]
 In: Pro Missa Tridentina, Rundbrief Nr. 23, Januar 2002, ISSN 1610-4927, Download (191 KB)
Maybe somebody translate this excellent document into English one day. It is worth to translate it.


  1. Absolutely wrong. Nothing can be placed over the chalice, except its immediate complements. It is against the rubric to place even the tabernacle key.

  2. Anonymous: Absolutly right. I assume they prepared the biretta on the chalice in the sacristy before the priets enter the church. During entry I suppose they keep the biretta in their hands.
