January 14, 2011

Kippa versus Pileolus

A questions often asked:
"What is the difference between the jewish kippa (yarmulke) and the catholic pileolus (soli deo, zucchetto)?"
> The number of panels (segments) they are made of and the stem (seldom a button) on the top.

Roman Catholic priests wearing a pileolus (soli deo, zucchetto) with 8 panels (segments)
and a little stem (2-3 cm) on the top

Pileolus (soli deo, zucchetto) of Roman Catholic cardinal with 8 panels (segments)
and a little stem (2-3 cm) on the top

Roman Catholic priests wearing as well pileoli (soli deo, zucchetto) with 6 panels (segments)
and a little button; this one is from a Polish priest

A Jewish kippa (yarmulke) with 4 panels (segments) and no stem on the top

The phiro of the Syriac Orthodox clergy
Please direct your attention to the 7 panels (segments),
indicating the full priesthood of the celebrant
(click on the picture to get a closer view)

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