March 26, 2011

Exhibition at Sparkasse Saarbrücken

From 17th of March until 21st of April 2011 at the Sparkasse Saarbrücken are exhibited 100 selected pieces of the collection.

The exhibition is open every day from 8:15 until 16:00 and the admission is free:
Sparkasse Saarbrücken 
Neumarkt 17 
D-66117 Saarbrücken

Some impressions of the preview which took place on 17th of March 2011

The invitation (pages 1 to 4)
To enlarge, click on the picture.

Dieter Philippi during his opening speech

Roberto Consorsi
President Associazione Arca Petrina onlus 
Author of the project Tradizione e Magistero and coordinator of the events 
Palatine Guard of His Holiness 
Member of the Historical Committee of the Association of Sts. Peter and Paul, Vatican City 
Delegate in Italy of the International Catholic Relief Funds Inc., USA 
Expert in roman church dress and papal court costume

of Ditta Annibale Gammarelli, Rome during his technical lecture about the head coverings of the Roman Catholic Church (Pileolus, Biretta, Mitre, Tiara)

Frank Saar, member of the board of Sparkasse Saarbrücken - Roberto Consorsi - Dieter Philippi

The visitors

Maestro Bernhard Leonardy and his sister Eva Leonardy

The Saarbrücker Zeitung reports
(To enlarge, click on the picture)

1 comment:

  1. Dieter, this is wonderful - congratulations! Would be nice to see more efforts such as this. Very unique and interesting. For many people, too, such an effort can even have the effect of a sort of first introduction to Christian culture.
