December 03, 2011

Bukharan Kippot

Following some kippot worn by Bukharan (or Bukharain, Bukhari, Bukharim) Jews

Bukharan (Buhari) Kippah made by Larissa Eidlina

Bukharan (Buhari) Kippah made by Larissa Eidlina
The top is conical.

Bukharan Kippah with tiny round mirrors

Bukharan Kippah with tiny round mirrors

"White velvet Bukharan Kippah was custom designed for a Rabbi to wear for Yom Kippur 5770. Because Pomegranates/Rimonim are so plentiful in Israel during the High Holy days, a large pomegranate was embossed on the top, with seed pearls added by hand. The sides have tiny pomegranates and tiny Magen Davids with seed pearls. A Beautiful new tradition for the Rabbi's congregation in Hertsfordshire, Great Britain. This kippah was a winning entry in the Juried Jewish Ceremonial Arts Show 2, October, 2009, at Or Shalom Synagogue in London, Ontario. The judges appreciated its simple elegance."

Some Bukharan sights:


  1. Just love browsing through your collections! You have a wonderful taste in design!

    Lisa @ Best Kippah

  2. Great Design I like it all design Thanks for sharing.

  3. You write great articles man. It looks like you spend a lot of effort and time on your blog. I’ll be coming back often. Thanks for sharing. Keep up the good work!
