January 13, 2012

Head Coverings of the Iglesia Filipina Independiente (IFI)

Gregorio Aglipay as Supreme Bishop of the Iglesia Filipina Independiente (IFI) (Philippine Independent Church). Photo taken between 1902 and 1905
Cappello romano (saturno) with hat cord

Biretta with 3 wings (horns, baldes) made out of royal blue cotton and a blue pompon
Made for a priest of the IFI

Biretta with 3 wings (horns, baldes) made out of royal blue cotton with moiré-effect
and a blue pompon
Made for a preist as well
In the picture above it seems that the 2nd prelate (from the left) is wearing a red pileolus (zucchetto, soli deo) 

© pictures: IFI
Bishops of the IFI wearing red purple pileoli

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