February 09, 2012

The Hats Worn by a Cardinal - Consistory on 18th February 2012

Shop window of Ditta Annibale Gammarelli, Rome
on 8th Ferburay 2012, 10 days before the consistory.
On Display:
The wardrobe of a cardinal

The biretta with 3 horns (blades, wings) a a littllstem of twisted cord on top,
made out of watered silk

Qob - biretta worn by the cardinals
Made of red silk with moiré effect.
The last cardinal worn this typ of Qob was Paul Cardinal Tzadua

Biretta of the Syro-Malabar Church
See as well:

Tabieh or Tabiah - طابية
See as well:

during the consistory on 24th November 2012
wearing a mudi thoppi

The pileolus (zucchetto, soli deo) made out of watered silk

The cappello romano (sturno) made out of feld with hat cord in red/gold.
Thy type of hat alos availabe in beaver.

The galero

The non collapsible/foldable winter biretta made out of
heavy fulè (foulée), mixture of wool and cashmere.
Keeps the head very warm.
Today this type of biretta is no more in use.

made out of heavy red wool
on display at:

Consistory held on 27th June 1977:
Pope Paul VI. placed the biretta on Joseph Ratzinger's head

1 comment:

  1. Cardinals no longer receive the Red Hat..they have to make do with the biretta .
    The ceremony of the Red Hat was ended by Paul V1 .
