June 29, 2012

Sombrero Eclesiástico con alas levantadas y cordones

This style of the cappello romano (saturno) is used mainly in Spain.
The brim is slightly curved upwards and fixed with two cords.
At the end of each cord are fixed small black tassels.

Léon Gustav Dehon's departure to America

Don José Torras y Bages

Please see as well
the article about the Cura Español


  1. Amazing saturno hat -so well made. Gammarelli?

  2. This Sombrero Eclesiástico con alas levantadas y cordones was made by Mr Tomás Beltrán Medrano, Madrid.

  3. I wonder if this hat style was the inspiration for the "coroner's hat" from the Wizard of Oz. Meinhardt Raabe, from Wisconsin like me, was the coroner in the 1939 film. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sWYUl-1vIec
