August 22, 2013

Pagh (પાઘ) - Swaminarayan Hindu Tradition

Pagh  - Swaminarayan Hindu Tradition

 The pagh (pronounced ‘paagh’; પાઘ) is a traditional head covering worn by all sadhus of the Swaminarayan denomination of Hinduism.The denomination was founded in the early nineteenth century by Bhagwan Swaminarayan in western India.

A pagh is made from a simple, very fine piece of cotton fabric, measuring around 100 inches by 100 inches, which is tied around a head covered by a small skull-cap. The tying itself is something of an art form, because it employs no stitches, pins or fasteners, yet a pagh can remain firm and intact for years.

The pagh is worn by Swaminarayan sadhus when they go outside of the temple on official religious duty, and also during special rituals and assemblies. The orange or saffron colour of the pagh matches the untailored robes worn by sadhus. Saffron is a colour which is traditionally associated in Hinduism with sacrifice and renunciation. It also symbolises fire. Sadhus are reminded by their saffron attire to burn their worldly desires and remain fervent against enticements which might distract them from their service to God and Society.
An article about the Garam Topi (ગરમ ટોપી),the winter hat worn by His Holiness Pramukh Swami Maharaj (પ્રમુખ સ્વામી મહારાજ) you can find here.

the Guru of the BAPS Swaminarayan order of the Swaminarayan tradition.
He is wearing a traditional Hindu pagh and holding a small metallic sacred image of Bhagwan Swaminarayan.

president of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue

receiving traditional Welcome at the BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir,
Neasden, North-west London
during his visit on 13th June 2013

Cardinal Tauran and Catholic clergy  with Hindu sadhus of the BAPS Swaminarayan order 
at the Mandir in London  on 13th June 2013

Visit the BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir, when you are in the London area:


Many thanks to BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir, Neasden, London, UK
for their kind and competent support.
See as well two articles in Gujarati language: