September 05, 2013

Head Coverigs Worn by the "Cofradía Internacional de Investigadores del Santo Cristo de Oliva "

In January 2011 I wrote an article about
The Spanish Academical Birrete

El alcalde de Toledo, Emiliano García-Page, presidió hoy el acto de apertura del curso académico de la Cofradía Internacional de Investigadores “Santo Cristo de la Oliva”, fundada en los años ochenta y vinculada desde su nacimiento con el Ayuntamiento.

Their regulations define: 

 "Uniforme y hábito:
Formado por una amplia toga, de terciopelo negro y doble golilla blanca en el cuello, del que pende un cordón carmesí y oro con la insignia propia de la Cofradía; Guantes blancos y un birrete también de terciopelo negro, con una borla de seda en su parte superior del color
representativo de la facultad a la que pertenece cada cofrade."

"... a biretta also of black velvet, with a silk tassel on the top in the colour representing the faculty to which each member belongs."

Mind the multi-colored pompons (borla):
In traditional (historic) universities of Portugal and Spain there is the tradition to mix the colors of the different graduations. For example: a doctor on Civil Law (red color) and Canon Law (green color), uses a black birrete with a red-green pompon (borla). A doctor in Theology (white) and Philosophy (blue) uses a black birrete with a white-blue pompon, etc.
The number of mixed colors depends on the number of graduations the bearer holds.

Some academic colors used in Spain and Portugal:
White: Theology, Architecture
Green: Canon Law, Veterinary
Yelow: Medecin
Red: Civil Law
Blue Sky: Philosophy, Humanities
Black: official color of Spanish rectors
Blue (dark): Natural Sciences, Mathematic

A doctor in theology and philosophy by Real and Pontificia Universidad de Mexico, 
XVIII century (Spanish colonial period)

Many thanks to Mr Nunes of Virtual Memories Blog for his kind and competent support.

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