September 02, 2013

Jesuit Biretta

 Here 2 pictures of a Jesuit biretta made by
Mr Beltrán Medrano-Tomás, Madrid
These model was worn by the Jesuits in Spain.

The above biretta was made according the ancient pattern:

Biretta in black with 3 horns (blades, wings) and a tongue worn by friars of the
 Society of Jesus (S.J., Jesuits) according:
Barbier de Montault, Xavier:
Le costume et les usages ecclésiastiques selon la tradition romaine, Band 1: Règles générales, le costume usuel, le costume de chœur, Letouzey et Ané, Paris, ca. 1900
page 233, fig. 33, (click on the picture to enlarge)

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