January 17, 2011

The Spanish Academical Birrete

4th of January 2011
Plácido Domingo received a Doctor Honoris Causa of the Universidad Alfonso X el Sabio
He received a white birrete with a blue pompon on top standing for Art and Literature.
Click to enlarge the picture and see the other colors of
the birrete, too.

31st of January 1998 Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger receives the Doctor of Honoris Causa from the theological faculty of the Catholic University of Navarra, Pamplona, Spain.
He received the white birrete with a white pompon (Bella Arte)

A film of the ceremony in Spanish language from Aitor Agirregabiria and Javier Martínez dated 8th of July 2007 with the title "El Cardenal Ratzinger en la Universidad de Navarra: Escenas de la ceremonia del nombramiento como Doctor Honoris Causa por la Facultad de Teología de dicha Universidad. Entrevista que concedió en la Clínica Universitaria de la Universidad de Navarra" can be found in the internet.

Professor Ole Fanger receives the Doctor of Honoris Causa of
the Universidade de Coimbra on 14th of June 2001.
The borla is the academic headgear of the Portuguese universities.
The borla is much more opulent and magnificent than the Spanish birrete.
The name of the cape is "capelo".

© pictures: Virtula Memories
"Borla doutoral" of the "Faculdade de Teologia", Universidade de Coimbra
To buy such a borla, you can contact:
CARVALHO & IRMÃO, LDA, Porto, Portugal

1 comment:

  1. I think its funny that His Holiness received a white Biretta prior to becoming the Pope.
