January 18, 2011

The Polish Academic Biret and the Biret of the Dean

The Silesian University of Technology
Politechnika Śląska,Gliwice, Poland
The "birety akademickie" and "birety dziekańskie" in Poland has no wings (horns, blades)
and no pompon.

Karol Józef Kardinal Wojtyła, later Pope John Paul II., wearing a "biret dziekański"


  1. Better you should say: Karol Józef Kardinal Wojtyła, later Pope John Paul II., wearing a "biret dziekański"

    Birety dziekańskie = plural form
    Biret dziekański = singular form

    I know polish grammar is awful :)


  2. @sl:
    Thank you very much for your comment. I will make the corrections.

  3. when your pages will be in Polish?? I am Polish and I like your pages very "sl" is right

    one Biret dziekański
    two Birety dziekańskie
    three Birety dziekańskie and so forth :)
