© all pictures: Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) & Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)

The Philippi headwear collection is currently the world’s largest collection of clerical, ecclesiastical and religious head coverings and is unique in both its scope and size. You will find examples of headgear from every religious persuasion around the globe, whether ceremonial or worn as part of everyday life. In addition, the collection includes 116 religious objects.
August 27, 2012
August 24, 2012
The Qob - Headgear of the Clergy of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church
His Holiness Abuna Paulos (1935 - 2012), Fifth Patriarch and Catholicos of Ethiopia, Ichege of the See of St. Tekle Haymanot, Archbishop of Axum and one of the seven serving Presidents of the World Council of Churches
wearing a white Qob
August 22, 2012
Head Coverings of the Old Roman Catholic Church Latin Rite
Ecclesia Veteris Catholica Romana
H.E. The Mt Revd Jerome Lloyd OSJV, Metropolitan Archbishop of Europe with zucchetto (pileolus, soli deo)

H.E. The Mt Revd Jerome Lloyd OSJV, Metropolitan Archbishop of Europe with Spanish Bonete in red purple with red pompon

H.E. The Mt Revd Jerome Lloyd OSJV, Metropolitan Archbishop of Europe wearing a mitre
August 21, 2012
Tiara - Basilica di San Gaudenzio, Novara, Italy
Painting and statue seen in the Basilica of San Gaudenzio, Novara, Italy
Holy Gregory with tiara
Madonna di Loreto with a crown, similar to a tiara
August 18, 2012
Biretta Worn by the Prelates of the "Domkapitel zu den Hl. Rupert und Virgil an der Metropolitankirche Salzburg"
Archbishop Dr. Alois Kothgasser (right) places the red biretta with 3 horns (blades, wings) and a red pompon on the head of Konsistorialrat Prof. Mag. art. Dr. Raimund Sagmeister
Biretta with 3 blades (wings, horns) an a red pompon
August 17, 2012
First Painting of the Cardinal's Galero
You see Cardinal Jacopo Caetani degli Stefaneschi (* Rome, 1270 circa – † Avignon, June 23, 1343) genuflecting in front of Jesus Christ. On the Oriental carpet, decorated with red and blue eagles, you can recognize the red galero lying in front of him.
This is the first picture of the galero, the hat given by the pope to the cardinals during the consitory.
A painting out of my collection
The artist is unknown.
August 16, 2012
ABU Utility Cap and ACU Patrol Cap with Religious Emblems
In my previous post "United States Air Force Airman Battle Uniform (ABU) Christian Chaplain's Caps" I wrote a little bit about the caps worn by military chaplains.
The hats and caps are worn in these two fabrics:
The hats and caps are worn in these two fabrics:
1. ABU
2. ACU
Here some more pictures:
ACU Patrol Cap with Christian Cross
ACU Patrol Cap with the Jewish tablets of the Ten Commandments
ACU Patrol Cap with Islamic crescent
ACU Patrol Cap with Buddhist Dharmacakra
ABU Utility Caps
ABU Utility Cap with Christian cross
ABU Utility Cap with the Jewish tablets of the Ten Commandments
ABU Utility Cap with the Islamic crescent
ABU Utility Cap with Buddhist Dharmacakra
ABU Utility Cap,
ACU Petrol Cap
August 14, 2012
Biretta Worn by the Choir Boys of the Mainzer Domchor
© picture: Mainzer Domchor
The choir boys of the Mainzer Domchor with red birettas with 4 horns (Blades, wings).
August 13, 2012
Industrias Sombrereras Españolas - A Spanish Hat Factory
© picture: New York Times
I read a very interesting article about the Industrias Sombrereras Españolas in
An article about the production of Jewish hats going to Brooklyn you will fing here.
Jewish Headgear
August 12, 2012
Biretta - Don Camillo Hat
© picture: Ceremonia y Rúbrica de la Iglesia Española
Biretta worn by a priest in Alegia, Spain
This biretta is made by an injection moulding machine using some artificial textile material.
In Germany you can buy such a model to combine with a fancy dress worn during carnival (Mardi Gras). Sometimes this kind of hat is called "Don Camillo Hat" after the character Don Camillo Tarocci.
© picture: Yatego
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